Training Certifications

rongo-homeIDEA Elite Trainer status
ACE Certified
SS Certified


Independent Personal Trainer, Pro-Robics 2004-Present
Fitness Director Golds Gym and Pro-Robics 2001-2004
Video series creator 2001-2004
Creator Lifetime Fitness Foodplan ©1995
Frankies Personal Training Gym, 1994-2001
Manager, Metropolitan Health Club, 1984-1994
Caravella’s Gym, BHS and NJ State college athletic trainer 1971-1984
Masters Bodybuilding Champion
Powerlifting Champion
TV Fitness Analyst–NWCN “Coach Frankie” 2001-2005
Author of the Hands-on Approach to Food Control
Tupperware Foodplan creator
Inventor of the CalfRoller


Education Major, Mountclair & Jersey City State Colleges in New Jersey